Friday, April 1, 2011

An attack was made at a United Nations compound killing 20 employees and also setting fires to the buildings.  An Afghan mob surrounded the compound and killed innocent people.  Why was this done?  A United States pastor Terry Jones, burned a Quran in Florida on March 20.  He was strongly criticised, even urged to not burn the Quran, when he threatened to burn it on such a horrific and memorable day like 9/11.  Although he still proceeded to burn the Quran, the attack at the compound may be considered one of the deadliest attacks.

The attack came only hours after protest of the Quran burning in Florida which was shown on the web all over the world.  The very controversial pastor, from Gainesville, Florida, decided not to burn the Koran at that time since he received a phone call from Afghanistan commander US General David Petraeus.  The general did warn pastor Terry Jones, that any harm done to the Quran would cause the lives of US men and women serving in the military.

Although pastor Terry Jones decided to go through the Quran burning on March 20, he served as a judge on the Muslim holy book.  He found the Quran guilty of training and promoting terrorist acts, death, rape, torture of people, and crimes against people and minorities.  Other attacks have been committed, however, none have reported any death or violence. 

This attack may cause the UN to reconsider being in Afghanistan or not.  Due to some attacks in Kabul, in 2009, the UN pulled 200 workers from Afghanistan to urban locations were they would be safe.   

My concern is with pastor Terry Jones.  What will happen this year on 9/11, when people across the world who are still in mourning over the lost of their loved ones, is now having to worry about the burning of a Quran.  I may not study or worship the Quran, but for me, which ever religion a person is, that is completely fine for me.  To every each their own.  I know if I saw someone burning the Bible or even doing some sort of violence, then I too would feel offended.  I know I wouldn't go as far as the Afghan mobs did, but I do know I would want the government to make some sort of verbal action or involvement.  

Jerry Jones, seems to need some sort of eduction 101 in order to see how his personal beliefs are affecting Afghanistan and Americans.  He may have his own beliefs, but they appear to be affecting everyone including possibly innocent people.  I think he needs to go back to his church and perhaps read what his Bible tells him and then think twice again before reacting!

1 comment:

  1. In Melissa's Blog she discusses the events taken place in Georgia about the burning of the Quran from a pastor and how it has negatively affected Afghans and Americans. She makes clear statements about the reactions made and her personal opinion supporting the article. I defiently agree with her and how this makes the situation worse for other American citizens. I would describe Pastor Jones as very selfish as he doesnt think about the outcome for others.

    On the contrary, this country was founded and built upon the idea of relegious freedom. Going back to our Constitution that gives Pastor Jones the right to express his feelings about Muslim beliefs on American soil.

    Overall, the arguement and opinion were consise, keeping the article flowing and very understandble.
