Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Commentary of Classmate's Blog

In choosing to reply about a colleague's blog, I came across an article from Kandis Initiating Forward Movement.  In her blog, she mentions an interesting article about a "Westside Rapist".  The article mentions how a 74 year old, once insurance adjuster, pleaded guilty to rapping and killing elderly women in their own homes.  As if that isn't horrible enough, it also proceeds to explain how the serial killer may have also killed as many as 30 other women, that of which he has not been held accountable for.  Kandis makes clear and understandable judgments about how the serial killer should pay for his crimes.  Since he has only been accounted for only 7 of the murders, police do believe that there is a possibility that he may be guilty of many more.  What I do not understand is why not the other 30 victims as well.  I like how she mentioned he doesn't deserve to survive off of our tax dollars.  I think she is correct.  She further goes on to exclaim, "that is way too many lives that have been jeopardized and taken by his hand."  I find her to feel passionate that he should pay for the remaining victims he has not been charged with.  How can this serial killer of all these elderly women get a slap on the wrist?  When a crime is committed, victims and their families want to see justice performed to the fullest extent and not just a half way job.  He showed no mercy on his victims while rapping and killing them, so why does our government need to show mercy on him.

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