Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thumbs up or thumbs down for Donald Trump?

The questioning of President Obama's citizenship has been in the media.  Even more recently with the ever famous Donald Trump.  Originally his birth certificate did not state where he was born, but now with the long version, his birth certificate clearly states that he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.  I find it amusing that since a potential president can only be able to run for office as long as they are a citizen, then why would our government let someone who wasn't.
For two years this has been in the media and in order to show the chump, oh I mean Donald Trump and the rest of the world, he had to show proof.  This is a prime example of innocent until proven guilty.  Which in a way, I guess the Donald deserves a thumbs up for that.  Now what the voters wanted to know, we can feel more confident as we walk into the polls during the next coming election.  This shows me, more confidence in our government and President Obama.
One thing that is for sure, is when the president was questioned he replied the U.S. "has better stuff to do," including lowering the deficit and creating jobs, than continuing to debate the place of his birth. He further went on to say,"that some people just won't believe he was born in Hawaii, no matter what he says or does."  Hopefully, with the release of the birth certificate, the president can continue to show America what he can do for this nation and put trust into the voters.  He now can move forward in trying to focus on more important matters like creating jobs, bringing our troops home, and doing something about the price of oil.

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