Friday, May 13, 2011

We Will Always Stand Tall

We have come to an end of another semester and so for my last blog, I wanted to find a colleague's blog that no one had commented on.  Also, find a topic that did not involve President Obama's birth certificate and the feud between him and Donald Trump, even though I had written about them in my Blog #7.  I found Maria's Govt Blog 2305 very interesting.  Maria makes some great points of an article she found on CNN.  Our countries' lives were deeply impacted when Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, Flight 93 crashing in Pennsylvania, and especially the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center collapsing on September 11, 2001.  

Flash forward 10 years later and the person responsible for the hideous crime has not only been captured, but DEAD.  My colleague’s blog mentions reports of requests for photos of Bin Laden's body to be released.  Maria brings up a great point.  Should the people of this great nation view the death pictures of Bin Laden?

I can remember watching the news come in through my television, as I anxiously waited to see what was going to happen next in N.Y. and wanting to know if my cousin was still alive.  As much of a memorable, unforgiving, and unimaginable crime 9/11 was, I have just as much faith in our government knowing that they will make the correct choice for our nation should the pictures of a dead Bin Laden be released.  Maria brings up a great point when she reacted NO, the pictures of his death should not be released.  Just like her, I know our government would not lie to the people.

President Obama has proven himself as a president for our great country.  Now with the capturing and death of Bin Laden, the president will still continue to prove himself to the people of the United States of America as well as people across the world.  I have much respect for our president as he makes important decisions that involve people, finances, and all possible and important issues. So if he does choose to release the pictures of a dead Bin Laden, I know our great nation will do just as those people did before and after 9/11 and STAND TALL. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The questioning of President Obama's citizenship has been in the media.  Even more recently with the ever famous Donald Trump.  Originally his birth certificate did not state where he was born, but now with the long version, his birth certificate clearly states that he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.  I find it amusing that since a potential president can run for office as long as they are a citizen, then why would our government let someone who wasn't go out and run our country.
For two years this has been in the media and in order to show the chump, oh I mean Donald Trump and the rest of the world, he had to show proof.  This is a prime example of innocent until proven guilty.  Which in a way, I guess the Donald deserves a thumbs up for that.  Now what the voters wanted to know, we can feel more confident as we walk into the polls during the next coming election.  This shows me, more confidence in our government and President Obama.
One thing that is for sure, is when the president was questioned he replied the U.S. "has better stuff to do," including lowering the deficit and creating jobs, than continuing to debate the place of his birth. He further went on to say,"that some people just won't believe he was born in Hawaii, no matter what he says or does".  Hopefully, with the release of the birth certificate, the president can continue to show America what he can do for this nation and put trust into the voters.  He now can move forward in trying to focus on more important matters like creating jobs, bringing our troops home, and doing something about the price of oil.

Thumbs up or thumbs down for Donald Trump?

The questioning of President Obama's citizenship has been in the media.  Even more recently with the ever famous Donald Trump.  Originally his birth certificate did not state where he was born, but now with the long version, his birth certificate clearly states that he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.  I find it amusing that since a potential president can only be able to run for office as long as they are a citizen, then why would our government let someone who wasn't.
For two years this has been in the media and in order to show the chump, oh I mean Donald Trump and the rest of the world, he had to show proof.  This is a prime example of innocent until proven guilty.  Which in a way, I guess the Donald deserves a thumbs up for that.  Now what the voters wanted to know, we can feel more confident as we walk into the polls during the next coming election.  This shows me, more confidence in our government and President Obama.
One thing that is for sure, is when the president was questioned he replied the U.S. "has better stuff to do," including lowering the deficit and creating jobs, than continuing to debate the place of his birth. He further went on to say,"that some people just won't believe he was born in Hawaii, no matter what he says or does."  Hopefully, with the release of the birth certificate, the president can continue to show America what he can do for this nation and put trust into the voters.  He now can move forward in trying to focus on more important matters like creating jobs, bringing our troops home, and doing something about the price of oil.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Commentary of Classmate's Blog

In choosing to reply about a colleague's blog, I came across an article from Kandis Initiating Forward Movement.  In her blog, she mentions an interesting article about a "Westside Rapist".  The article mentions how a 74 year old, once insurance adjuster, pleaded guilty to rapping and killing elderly women in their own homes.  As if that isn't horrible enough, it also proceeds to explain how the serial killer may have also killed as many as 30 other women, that of which he has not been held accountable for.  Kandis makes clear and understandable judgments about how the serial killer should pay for his crimes.  Since he has only been accounted for only 7 of the murders, police do believe that there is a possibility that he may be guilty of many more.  What I do not understand is why not the other 30 victims as well.  I like how she mentioned he doesn't deserve to survive off of our tax dollars.  I think she is correct.  She further goes on to exclaim, "that is way too many lives that have been jeopardized and taken by his hand."  I find her to feel passionate that he should pay for the remaining victims he has not been charged with.  How can this serial killer of all these elderly women get a slap on the wrist?  When a crime is committed, victims and their families want to see justice performed to the fullest extent and not just a half way job.  He showed no mercy on his victims while rapping and killing them, so why does our government need to show mercy on him.

Friday, April 1, 2011

An attack was made at a United Nations compound killing 20 employees and also setting fires to the buildings.  An Afghan mob surrounded the compound and killed innocent people.  Why was this done?  A United States pastor Terry Jones, burned a Quran in Florida on March 20.  He was strongly criticised, even urged to not burn the Quran, when he threatened to burn it on such a horrific and memorable day like 9/11.  Although he still proceeded to burn the Quran, the attack at the compound may be considered one of the deadliest attacks.

The attack came only hours after protest of the Quran burning in Florida which was shown on the web all over the world.  The very controversial pastor, from Gainesville, Florida, decided not to burn the Koran at that time since he received a phone call from Afghanistan commander US General David Petraeus.  The general did warn pastor Terry Jones, that any harm done to the Quran would cause the lives of US men and women serving in the military.

Although pastor Terry Jones decided to go through the Quran burning on March 20, he served as a judge on the Muslim holy book.  He found the Quran guilty of training and promoting terrorist acts, death, rape, torture of people, and crimes against people and minorities.  Other attacks have been committed, however, none have reported any death or violence. 

This attack may cause the UN to reconsider being in Afghanistan or not.  Due to some attacks in Kabul, in 2009, the UN pulled 200 workers from Afghanistan to urban locations were they would be safe.   

My concern is with pastor Terry Jones.  What will happen this year on 9/11, when people across the world who are still in mourning over the lost of their loved ones, is now having to worry about the burning of a Quran.  I may not study or worship the Quran, but for me, which ever religion a person is, that is completely fine for me.  To every each their own.  I know if I saw someone burning the Bible or even doing some sort of violence, then I too would feel offended.  I know I wouldn't go as far as the Afghan mobs did, but I do know I would want the government to make some sort of verbal action or involvement.  

Jerry Jones, seems to need some sort of eduction 101 in order to see how his personal beliefs are affecting Afghanistan and Americans.  He may have his own beliefs, but they appear to be affecting everyone including possibly innocent people.  I think he needs to go back to his church and perhaps read what his Bible tells him and then think twice again before reacting!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Higher Student Test Scores Makes Teachers Happy

My summer of 1991 will always be memorable.  My family and I had moved back from living in Hacienda Heights, California after my father was laid off from his employment.  Luckily my parents never sold their house.  My sister, brother, and I all went out into the real world seeking jobs.  Successful and grateful, we all got our very first jobs each at different places.  I was able to work at a Presbyterian church in the nursery department.  So, there I was only 13 years old working in a daycare, hearing children from the ages of 0-5 years of age yell, cry, throw toys, etc.  I quickly realized what I wanted to be when I grew up.  In the Huffington Post, I found a blog that covered a topic I have been hearing about in my education courses.  States are trying to push forward with merit pay for teachers based on their students performance.  As a future teacher, I truly feel that there should be some sort of an incentive for a student's performance.  Right now, teachers get a higher salary based on their level of degree or the length of time they have been teaching.  The blog, "Florida, Idaho Push For Merit Pay, Could Set National Precedent For Teachers Pay," demonstrates the possibility of the Senate passing this education reform in Idaho and Florida as well as in other states.  The writer gives insight of Idaho enacting a statewide teacher merit pay and soon Florida.  He also gives credibility with acknowledging Obama's "Race to the Top" initiative, where states applied for grants to have changes in education.  The winners were announced last year, and the winner was Florida.  He also states the $700 million reform was put towards the merit pay plan.  If the Senate approves, then Idaho will be the first state to pass the merit pay legislation.  The author does give a sample of the merit pay, that shows his target audience of not only everyday people, but for future educators, as myself, and parents.  As a parent, I know that I would appreciate and treasure the best qualified educator for my four children.  Lets, face it, if a teacher is not well educated, passionate, and creative in her job, then it will conflict with the education of our children.  Although the writer doesn't state his opinion on the legislation of merit pay, he does bring up an interesting point: will other states follow as well?  I know that on my journey in trying to finish my degree as an Early Childhood Generalist-6th grade, I find it very imperative for a teacher to have this incentive.  I've observed teachers who almost seem to be burned out or lacking education in their field.  In order for a child to succeed in the world, it requires the parent and teacher's education and skills.  The better qualified a teacher is and able to excel with her students scores, the more a student will succeed in their career as well as life.  Now of days, what isn't a competition?  If a fresh out of school teacher is able to have her students score high on their performance versus a veteran teacher who continues to just get by, then why not give the newly teacher a merit pay.  Parents, teachers, and the school is happy, meanwhile, little Janie is going to grow up to be a bright adult.  Everyone wins in the end.  Although it has not been passed, I would not be surprised to see all other states follow through with the merit pay. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Kidney Really Might Save A Life

Imagine watching the news and hearing that a crime has been committed.  The guilty party is sentenced to prison for two consecutive life sentences.  The public would feel satisfied.  However, what if a governor allows them to be free by simply donating a kidney?  How would the public feel then?
 Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has ordered Gladys Scott, 38, to donate her own kidney to her ill sister Jamie Scott, 36.  This is no joke! The sisters were convicted of armed robbery in 1993.  Three accomplices smashed two male victims in the head with a shotgun, but as a plea bargain testified against the Scott sisters for a shorter sentencing.  The Mississippi Department of Corrections no longer believe the sisters pose a threat to society, feeling that Jamie Scott's condition only creates a extra cost to the state of Mississippi.  The writer, from feels very angry this is an example of government intrusion into a most personal decision.  Inmates should not have to surrender body parts as a condition of release.  This for me is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS for someone of the government to allow a felon to get away with such a crime, by just having to donate a body part for someone who is in desperate need just to avoid extra cost to the state.  What about the family of the two men that were lured by the Scott sisters.  What do they get?  Where is their justice?  If a simple body part donation is all it takes to get out of jail or some sort of a lighter sentence, I would think there would be one heck of a long line at our governments door waving a sign saying, "I will donate my kidney," especially since it would be their ticket out of prison.  The decision of donating or not, should be the decision of Jamie Scott, with the stipulation of still finishing her punishment in prison.  Like my father always told me, that of which we have all heard, "If you do the crime, you pay the time!"