Friday, February 11, 2011

Listening to the speed of my keyboard as I typed away, I couldn't help, but think "Yes, I'm on a roll".  My assignment for creating my very first blog in Government 2305 was quickly at an end.  I beat my assignment deadline with hours to spare.  However, in trying to submit my blog, I then realized that something was wrong.  The website indicated that the Blackboard would be under construction starting at 8 o'clock that evening, and I submitted it at exactly 7:59.  After trying to gain composure from banging my desk, I was later able to quickly submit my assignment, but only had one thing on my mind, "Why couldn't I have quicker internet access?"  While reading an article from The Christian Monitor, I found it amusing to see that President Obama plans to promote a plan for 98% of Americans to have high-speed wireless access.  Users wouldn't need a computer to access the high-speed internet, but could instead use tablets or their smart phones.  People who use the internet for work, pleasure, or education just might want to stay tuned if Obama's plan will launch.  "For our families and our businesses, high-speed wireless service, that's the next train station.  It's the next offramp," Obama said.  "It's how we'll spark new innovation, new investment, new jobs."  Whether people may agree with President Obama and his decision to promote high-speed internet access, it is something that I believe the government should not focus on and yet try to find more important issues.  The plan would involve funding in order to create a 4G wireless network in rural areas and for public safety agencies.  It would later be used to try to find more ways of growing technologies.  Although President Obama may seem to find an interest in trying to help our nation grow, it seems however, this just may be a little risky for him to handle.  People who use the internet such as myself, are quite capable of making the decision to use high-speed internet access or not and can find a way of paying for the luxury of it.

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