Friday, May 13, 2011

We Will Always Stand Tall

We have come to an end of another semester and so for my last blog, I wanted to find a colleague's blog that no one had commented on.  Also, find a topic that did not involve President Obama's birth certificate and the feud between him and Donald Trump, even though I had written about them in my Blog #7.  I found Maria's Govt Blog 2305 very interesting.  Maria makes some great points of an article she found on CNN.  Our countries' lives were deeply impacted when Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, Flight 93 crashing in Pennsylvania, and especially the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center collapsing on September 11, 2001.  

Flash forward 10 years later and the person responsible for the hideous crime has not only been captured, but DEAD.  My colleague’s blog mentions reports of requests for photos of Bin Laden's body to be released.  Maria brings up a great point.  Should the people of this great nation view the death pictures of Bin Laden?

I can remember watching the news come in through my television, as I anxiously waited to see what was going to happen next in N.Y. and wanting to know if my cousin was still alive.  As much of a memorable, unforgiving, and unimaginable crime 9/11 was, I have just as much faith in our government knowing that they will make the correct choice for our nation should the pictures of a dead Bin Laden be released.  Maria brings up a great point when she reacted NO, the pictures of his death should not be released.  Just like her, I know our government would not lie to the people.

President Obama has proven himself as a president for our great country.  Now with the capturing and death of Bin Laden, the president will still continue to prove himself to the people of the United States of America as well as people across the world.  I have much respect for our president as he makes important decisions that involve people, finances, and all possible and important issues. So if he does choose to release the pictures of a dead Bin Laden, I know our great nation will do just as those people did before and after 9/11 and STAND TALL.